Fundación Nutrir Salta is committed to protecting the individual privacy of the people who visit the website: and related pages or profiles on other sites (such as the official profiles of Fundación Nutrir Salta on social networks).
You decide whether you provide us with information when you perform actions on our website, such as making a donation, subscribing, etc. You knowingly provide us with personal information, such as your name, email address, telephone number, and other information.
This information is stored securely and it cannot be rented or sold.
In this sense, the Foundation may collect information such as: name, surname, ID, origin address, destination address, email address, telephone, etc.
In the event that the User provides us with Personal Information for a donation, we inform you that said Personal Information will be subject to automated processing and incorporated into the Foundation's database.
The Foundation has no intention of collecting Personal Information from minors. Where appropriate, The Foundation will specifically instruct minors not to provide such information on the Site and / or take reasonable steps.
The User may review, modify, delete and update their personal information at any time they wish by sending the request by email to:
If the data is incorrect, you wish to update and / or delete them, The Foundation will correct, update and / or delete that information at your request at no cost, please send an email to with the subject "Inform", "Rectify", "Delete" and / or "Update" as appropriate,
The Foundation will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that your requests are responded to in a timely manner. Notwithstanding, the Foundation reserves the right to retain any personal information that is reasonably necessary to document its activities, whether for registration or registration purposes. file.
The National Directorate for the Protection of Personal Data, Control Body of Law No. 25,326, has the power to deal with complaints and claims that are filed in relation to non-compliance with the rules on personal data protection.
The Foundation encourages you to check the privacy practices of Internet sites before using them.
If you have questions about your privacy when using the Site, please contact us by email: or by phone: 0387-4953499 and 0387-154120975.